/* Compressed with CompressRexx v2.1, (C) 1993-96 Robert Hofmann */
SQ="'";DQ='"';BOLD=D2C(2);CTCP=D2C(1);stripe=copies(d2c(127),50);inv=d2c(22);und=d2c(31);clear=d2c(12);parse arg nick' 'number;options results;if number=""|number>10|number<1 then exit(0);if upper(nick) ="GåZ" then do;"say GåZ is the author of |DWaRFx| and cannot be judged";exit;end;Call Setclip('DFxTIME',Time());fing.1='One of the school of original Dwarfers! - |DWaRFx|';fing.2='A worthy adversary! - |DWaRFx|';fing.3='Marvelous! - |DWaRFx|';fing.4='The right stuff!! - |DWaRFx|';fing.5='A piece of sputom in the toilet of life! - |DWaRFx|';fing.6='A pollop on the anus of humanity! - |DWaRFx|';fing.7='the owner of a bigger yellow streak than a herd of dioritic camels! - |DWaRFx|';fing.8='Such A SMEG HEAD! - |DWaRFx|';fing.9='/kick 'nick' Smeg off Dog food breath! - |DWaRFx|';fing.10='/Qkick 'nick' You are a puss filled Bubeaux, with all the charm and wit of a pubic louse! - |DWaRFx|';fingy=''inv'[]'inv'';meter='«-«-';do n=1 to 10;if n=number then meter=''meter''fingy'';else meter=''meter'--';end
meter=''meter'-»-».';po=pos('[]',meter)+1;if number=10 then po=po-1;'say |DWaRFSCaLE| ('nick'): 'meter'';if substr(fing.number,1,1)~='/' then 'say 'nick' is obviously... 'fing.number'';else;do;'say 'nick' is said to be...';'say 'fing.number'';end;exit(0)